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The Property Management Industry is in the unique position of being a window into people’s domestic lives through home inspections and regular communication with tenants.

In most joint tenancies, the main point of contact is the woman in the relationship. We’re often privy to incidents that occur behind closed doors and can often be the first people in a position to recognise signs of DFV. For DFV survivors who are renting, it can be extremely hard to leave violent or unsafe homes when they’re a joint tenant.

For many property managers or agency owners, it can be understandably hard to know what to do or how to help.

But there are many of resources and support available to help support your tenants, landlords and colleagues who are survivors of domestic and family violence.

The Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council has produced a flyer that is a great first step for agents and everyone in the property industry. It has information on legal protection for tenants; how to help tenants and landlords; and also how to look after fellow employees.

To download the flyer please CLICK HERE

It will take all of us – a true alliance – to create change and provide more safe places for survivors of DFV to call home.